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Schneider Electric Ranks 15th in Equileap's Global Gender Equality Ranking

Last Updated on 2018-10-29 Hits:3703

Beijing, China —— Recently, Schneider Electric, the global leader in digital transformation of energy efficiency management and automation, ranked 15th in the 2018 “Global Corporate Gender Equality Ranking” by Equileap, the international organization, ranking first in the industry.

The Equileap rankings provide a non-financial assessment standard for global investors

       Equileap is a non-profit organization that evaluates the performance of the world's 200 leading companies in the field of gender equality annually based on indicators to help investors evaluate companies and make investment decisions from non-financial standards. To conduct this selection, Equileap surveyed 3,000 companies with market capitalizations in more than $2 billion in different sectors around the world. Under the guidance of the United Nations “Women's Empowerment Principles”, Equileap has developed 19 non-financial indicators to measure efforts and performance in gender equality, including pay reciprocity, career advancement opportunities, upstream and downstream. Corporate promotion of gender equality, family leave policy and resistance to workplace sexual harassment and sexual discrimination programs.

Schneider Electric is committed to fulfilling its commitment to gender equality

       Olivier Blum, executive vice president and chief human resources officer of Schneider Electric, said: “Gender equality in the work environment is essential, not only for corporate ethical responsibility, but also for companies to help individuals realize their full potential, improve their skills, and achieve efficient work. Conditions. True equality means that every employee will receive equal rewards, resources and opportunities, all of which are gender-neutral. This goal has been deeply integrated into Schneider Electric's corporate culture."

       The ranking is also a recognition and recognition of Schneider Electric's commitment to fulfilling gender equality. For example, in its transformation plan and the sustainable development framework Schneider Sustainability Impact (2018-2020), gender pay equity and family leave plans are very important indicators. For the past four years, Schneider Electric has been actively responding to the “HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 Program” initiated by UN Women, and 30 major decision makers from governments, businesses and universities have widely publicized the event, promoting organizations to include gender equality as a job. Focus. In this regard, Schneider Electric has developed three major plans, and has implemented two: First, the implementation of the pay equity policy at the end of 2017, has achieved 89% of the global employees; Second, the establishment of a group of senior managers The Global Diversity and Inclusion Committee promotes the principles of diversity and inclusion, including gender equality, within the Group.

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